Our collaborative practice applies to the matrimonial setting by providing individual support to couples who have decided to separate or end their marriage. The process takes place outside of a courtroom and both parties agree that the matter will not be litigated. Collaborative law approach helps maintain control and resolves disputes successfully, professionally in a non-confrontational setting. On occasion, other family professionals work with the legal team in an effort to achieve a fair settlement that best meets the specific needs of both parties and their children without the underlying threat of litigation. The family professionals include accountants, financial planners, or child psychologists whose expertise is helpful in providing necessary information to the parties and the attorneys. The process is completely voluntary and is initiated when the couple signs a participation agreement.

The collaborative process can also be used to draw up pre- and post-nuptial agreements, taking the oppositional stigma away from the process in the event the clients’ married life comes to an end. Agreements are negotiated and memorialized into documents that are drafted consensually and mutually.

Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution and a way of resolving disputes directly between two or more parties without the necessity of court intervention.


  • Gary Muldoon (Mediation)

In lieu of traditional litigation, clients may seek a different process to resolve differences. Our attorneys are certified in alternative forms of dispute resolution commonly referred to as collaborative law and mediation.